Reusing a Custom Style in Silverlight

Modifying RowStyle


, I created a custom grid that will show some buttons at the end of the line when the mouse hovers over the line:

Custom DataGrid

I created a new style DataGridRow

based on the default style. Then I changed the XAML to add my buttons inside StackPanel

(details omitted):

  <Style x:Key="DataGridRowStyle" TargetType="swcd:DataGridRow">
    <Setter Property="Template">
        <ControlTemplate TargetType="swcd:DataGridRow">
          <StackPanel x:Name="RowControlsPanel">
              ... these are the buttons displayed on the row



changes using style:

<swcd:DataGrid RowStyle="{StaticResource DataGridRowStyle}">


I want to create another grid in a similar way, but with a different set of buttons at the end of the line. I could create a text copy of my style and modify it accordingly, but I was hoping I could create a suitable reusable class. I'm not sure how to approach this as the material I want to express from my style is a collection of controls (buttons) inside the style.

So far, my approach is to create a class MyDataGrid

derived from DataGrid

. I added a new property RowControls

to MyDataGrid

, allowing me to create it like this:

       ... these controls should go at the end of the row



uses RowStyle

as described above. But how MyDataGrid.RowControls

does the contents of the collection get into Content

from RowControlsPanel

in style? I think I should do this in OnApplyTemplate

for DataGridRow

, but then I need to get the new class MyDataGridRow

from DataGridRow

. Unfortunately, it seems like it's DataGrid

hardcoded to use DataGridRow

and I can't inject my own derived string class. I feel like I need to approach my reuse problem in a different way, but I'm not sure how?

Customizing simple controls like buttons by adding new properties and changing the control template is pretty straightforward, but how do I customize a complex control like DataGrid

where the template I need to customize is nested within the grid?


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1 answer

Instead of creating a reusable class, you might consider reusing your style with the Silverlight 3 BasedOn style:

This method will allow you to make minor changes, such as changing the row buttons in your example, to an existing style.



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