Passing values ​​with parallel extensions and

I am looking for an example on how to do the following in with parallel extensions.

Dim T As Thread = New Thread(AddressOf functiontodowork)


Where I am stuck is about how to pass my InputValueforWork parameter to the task

Dim T As Tasks.Task = Tasks.Task.Create(AddressOf functiontodowork)


Any suggestions and possibly a coding example are appreciated.



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3 answers

I solved my question. you need to pass an array with values.

Dim A(0) as Int32
A(0) = 1
Tasks.Task.Create(AddressOf TransferData, A)




Not necessarily the most helpful answer I know, but in C # you can do it with a closure:

var T = Tasks.Task.Create( () => functionToDoWork(SomeParameter) )




The real problem here is that VB 9 doesn't supportAction<T>

, only Funcs

You can get around this limitation by having a helper in C # like:

public class VBHelpers {
    public static Action<T> FuncToAction<T>(Func<T, object> f) {
        return p => f(p);


Then you use it from VB like this:

Public Sub DoSomething()
    Dim T As Task = Task.Create(VBHelpers.FuncToAction(Function(p) FunctionToDoWork(p)))
End Sub

Public Function FunctionToDoWork(ByVal e As Object) As Integer
    ' this does the real work
End Function




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