Screen scrapes mainframe screen in C # * without * third party utilities

I'm looking for a screen to clear my 3270 mainframe app in C #, but I need to do it without Attachmate or other third party plugins. Are there free managed libraries for this in C #?


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4 answers

This is the document you are looking for if you plan on doing all the heavy lifting yourself. It doesn't print well, but is the best source of protocol information.

I am going to take this path myself (thanks to the federal government) and in less than two weeks I intend to receive a completed application. I don't want to do this, but in my options I also don't use third party apps. Mine will also be in C #.

I would invite you to email me if you want my source, but I must warn you, I will not give it away for free. I know what you are looking for for free.



I will be working on two assumptions here.

  • When screening a screen, you not only mean taking a screenshot, but then transcribing text and other elements on the screen.
  • You cannot use third party utilities because you do not want to install them on the system.

It doesn't make sense to try to write your own OCR stuff, and any other approaches to grabbing data from a mainframe application will be bugs at best. If I were you, I would write a C # application that captures a screenshot and sends it to a web service. The web service uses a third-party utility to clear the screenshot and send the appropriate data to the application.



Screen Scraping is a term that is used for applications that capture characters from the console by screen location and implies that you already have a terminal emulator that you use to display screens, most (all?) Of these terminal emulators will have an API that allows you do it without any additional third part components (usually via COM or direct DLL calls)

However, if you are also talking about terminal emulation yourself ....

There is a huge amount of work in terminal emulation, it will easily cost you more effort than just using the tool, but if you are dead when you assemble your mask, there are many open source implementations that you could grab the source and do its PuTTY implementation is probably now almost the defacto standard. (I don't know what it's written about, I suspect C / C ++, but if you understand that it would be simple enough to port to C #, PuTTY does suport 3270)



Wow, back in the days when we used SNA Server for this kind of thing. To make all the leaps and bounds around protocols, you can use BizTalk Host Integration Server 2009 for this type of thing. There is a defunt CodePlex project:

But this did not lead to anything after 3 years.

The closure you can get is the following:



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