JavaScript merge cell reset

I've been working on a scheduling website for the past few weeks. I am displaying graphs as PHP generated html tables. I am using merged cells to display events. I tried to remove events using JS. Since they are honeycombed using rowspan, I need to go through the table and re-add blank cells whenever necessary when I delete them. My solution works great when my table contains one merged cell amongst nothing but blank cells, but with a more complex table, it fails. I can't figure out what's wrong with it, except that it doesn't find cellIndex anymore. Does anyone have a key? Here's what I'm talking about:

(Click on an event to delete it, or try anyway)


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1 answer

This example can help you find a solution. This seems to demonstrate your problem and also contains sample code for creating a matrix to help you solve it.

EDIT: I liked the puzzle and decided to play around with it a bit, here is an example of this example "working" (although sometimes the table does not seem to be redrawn correctly. It will probably help you to move on.

function getTableState(t) {
    var matrix = [];
    var lookup = {};
    var trs = t.getElementsByTagName('TR');
    var c;
    for (var i=0; trs[i]; i++) {
      lookup[i] = [];
        for (var j=0; c = trs[i].cells[j]; j++) {
            var rowIndex = c.parentNode.rowIndex;
            var rowSpan = c.rowSpan || 1;
            var colSpan = c.colSpan || 1;
            var firstAvailCol;

            // initalized the matrix in this row if needed.
            if(typeof(matrix[rowIndex])=="undefined") { matrix[rowIndex] = []; }

            // Find first available column in the first row
            for (var k=0; k<matrix[rowIndex].length+1; k++) {
                if (typeof(matrix[rowIndex][k])=="undefined") {
                    firstAvailCol = k;
            lookup[rowIndex][c.cellIndex] = firstAvailCol;
            for (var k=rowIndex; k<rowIndex+rowSpan; k++) {
                if(typeof(matrix[k])=="undefined") { matrix[k] = []; }
                var matrixrow = matrix[k];
                for (var l=firstAvailCol; l<firstAvailCol+colSpan; l++) {
                    matrixrow[l] = {cell: c, rowIndex: rowIndex};

    // lets build a little object that has some useful funcitons for this table state.
    return {
      cellMatrix: matrix,
      lookupTable: lookup,

      // returns the "Real" column number from a passed in cell
      getRealColFromElement: function (cell)
        var row = cell.parentNode.rowIndex;
        var col = cell.cellIndex;
        return this.lookupTable[row][col];          
      // returns the "point" to insert at for a square in the perceived row/column
      getPointForRowAndColumn: function (row,col)
        var matrixRow = this.cellMatrix[row];
        var ret = 0;
        // lets look at the matrix again - this time any row that shouldn't be in this row doesn't count.
        for (var i=0; i<col; i++)
          if (matrixRow[i].rowIndex == row) ret++;
        return ret;

function scheduleClick(e)
    if ( != 'event')

    //Get useful info before deletion
    var numRows =;
    var cellIndex =;
    var rowIndex =;
    var table =;

    var tableState = getTableState(table);

    var colIndex = tableState.getRealColFromElement(;


    //Insert empty cells in each row
    for(var i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
        var row = table.rows[rowIndex + i];
        row.insertCell(tableState.getPointForRowAndColumn(rowIndex+i, colIndex));




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