Simple PHP Classes Question

So, I have a:

class foo {
  public $variable_one;
  public $variable_two;

    // Do something

    // If I define variable_3 here!
    // Would I be able to access it in function_B?

    // Do something
    $variable_4 = $variable_3

$myObj = new foo();
// Now what do I write in order to assign "variable_one" and "two" some value?
$myObj->$variable_one = 'some_value' ??
$myObj->$variable_two = 'some_value' ??



source to share

5 answers

First, when you are just writing $variable_one;

internally A()

, this is not the case for your class member variables! It would be a completely different, newly created local variable called $variable_one

, unrelated to the class variable.

Instead, you want:

function A() {


Second, yours is $variable_3

also a local variable and wo n't be available in any other function.

Third, your assignments at the bottom are correct in form, but not in syntax: there is an additional one $

. Do you want to:

$myObj->variable_one = 'some value';




No, $variable_3

was created (and will be destroyed) in the area function_A

. This is due to the capabilities of the function.

If you want $ variable_3 to be persisted by your object after execution leaves the scope of function_A, you need to assign it as a class property, similar to $ variable_1 and $ variable2.

class YourClass

    public $variable_1;
    public $variable_2;
    public $variable_3;

        $this->variable_3 = "some value"; // assign to the object property
        $variable_4 = "another value"; // will be local to this method only

        echo $this->variable_3; // Would output "some value"
        echo $variable_4; // var does not exist within the scope of function_B





$myObj->variable_one = aValue;
$myObj->variable_two = anotherValue;




The correct code would be as follows: (see the answer in the comments)

class foo {
  public $variable_one;
  public $variable_two;
  private $variable_three; // private because it is only used within the class

  function _A(){
    // using $this-> because you want to use the value you assigned  at the
    // bottom of the script. If you do not use $this-> in front of the variable, 
    // it will be a local variable, which means it will be only available inside
    // the current function which in this case is _A

    // You need to use $this-> here as well because the variable_3 is used in
    // function _B

  function _B(){
    // Do something
    $variable_4 = $this->variable_3

$myObj = new foo();
$myObj->variable_one = 'some_value1'; // Notice no $ in front of the var name
$myObj->variable_two = 'some_value2'; // Notice no $ in front of the var name


Class variables (properties) must be accessed using the $ this-> prefix, unless they are static (in your example they are not). If you don't use the $ this-> prefix, they will be local variables within the function that you define them.

Hope this helps!



If variable_one

they variable_two

are public

, you can assign them as you specified (just remove the "$" ... so $ classObject-> variable_one). Usually, you want to encapsulate your variables by making them protected or private:

class MyClass
    protected $_variable_one;

    public function getVariableOne()
        return $this->_variable_one;

    public function setVariableOne($value)
        $this->_variable_one = $value;

$c = new MyClass();

echo $c->getVariableOne(); // hello!




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