Is it possible for DataSet.GetXML () to put data in attributes instead of elements?

I have a dataset that I populate via an Oracle SQL query:

SELECT col_id, col_desc
FROM table_data;


Then I create a dataset using the function

Dim ds as New DataSet


Now when I get the XML of the generated dataset with:

Dim strXML as String 
strXML = ds.GetXML()


When I read / display the line, it looks like this:



I want the resulting string to appear rather like this:

  <Table COL_ID="ABC001" COL_DESC="Angelo"></Table>
  <Table COL_ID="ZFE851" COL_DESC="John"></Table>
  <Table COL_ID="XYU123" COL_DESC="Mary"></Table>
  <Table COL_ID="MLP874" COL_DESC="James"></Table>


How can I do this?

It would be easy to say, I would read rows from a table in a dataset and plot a row?


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1 answer


Set DataColumn.MappingType to MappingType.Attribute before getting XML:

    Dim column As DataColumn
    For Each column In ds.Tables.Item(0).Columns
        column.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Attribute




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