Transfer postgreSQL data to mysql

I want to grab some bits of data from musicbrainz db for use in mysql based application.

I don't need the whole database, and we are looking at a postgreSQL to mysql "port" which seems to be a lot of hard work for people.

Wouldn't it be simpler to just dump the postgreSQL data into a comma delimited text file and then import it into mysql?

I'm just getting started with this and don't have a postgreSQL installation yet, but am trying to look forward to how I would go about doing it.


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2 answers

You can use COPY (in psql client) to dump a single table.

Or you can use pg_dump with the -d option. This will cause pg_dump to dump INSERT statements, which you can simply execute against your MySQL server. You will obviously need to migrate the schema first, and assuming that the datatypes used in Datatypes exist in MySQL.



You might want to dump the database to a SQL script .



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