How can I change the CSS properties (width by height) of a div element via JQuery?

Why doesn't this create a vertical width of 5 pixels wide on the travel side of the window?

<head runat="server">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">

        $(document).ready(function() {
                height: $(window).height,
                width: 5,
                position: "absolute",                
                top: 0,
                left: $(window).width - 5,
                margin: 0

    <div id="scrollBar" style="background-color: Red">test



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5 answers

Use this instead:

I found several problems:

  • instead $(window).height

    , use$(window).height()

  • instead left: $(window).width - 5

    , useright: 0

    $(document).ready(function() {
            height: $(window).height(),
            width: 5,
            position: "absolute",                
            top: 0,
            right: 0,
            margin: 0



Also note that jQuery.width and .height must be .width () and .height ().

Examples of using...



you can put width and $ (window) .height () + "px" for height and ($ (window) .width () - 5) + "px" for left instead of 5px.



From reading the jQuery documentation, you can see that you need to put css properties and their values ​​as string values.

 $ ("# scrollBar"). css ({
                'height': $ (window) .height (),
                'width': '5px',
                'position': 'absolute',                
                'top': '0',
                'left': $ (window) .width () - 5,
                'margin': '0'

I'm not sure how much you will show these calculated values.

PS: Jonatas was the correct height, and the widths are functions, not properties.



left: $(window).width - 5

You can try instead right: 0


EDIT: Yes, that was pretty silly. But, if I'm not mistaken, they should also be specified as in "width": "5px".

    'height': $(window).height(),
    'width': '5px',
    'position': 'absolute',
    'top': 0,
    'right': 0,
    'margin': 0




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