Loading a value in an insert command in the detail view

In a detailed view, how can I pre-fill one of the textboxes in the insert command (when the user clicks on insert and the view is inserted).

I think this will work for codebehind:

Dim txtBox As TextBox = FormView1.FindControl ("txtbox")

txtbox.Text = "Whatever I Want"

Is it correct? What do I need in aspx (not so exact)? Also, I am assuming the server side code will be included in the item element or insert an event.

I typed this in VB.NET, but I am using C # (I can do so in the forum agnostic language too, I can inject the problem in another language). I am also using SqlDataSource, with my parameters and all nested / deleted / editable commands.

I am trying to generate a random GUID (using a GUID object) that will be prepopulated in a textbox.

Also, the postbackurl property of the button isn't another way to save the state of the form?



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3 answers

I would update the field in the DetailsView to a TemplateField:

    <asp:TextBox ID="txtField" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("GUID") %>'/>
    <asp:Label ID="lblField" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("GUID") %>'/>


Then you have two options:

  • generate your GUID and paste into your datasource. This can be done with SQL as you mentioned using SqlDataSource
  • remove binding and access controls from code in the DataBound Event of your DetailsView

    Private Sub dv_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles dv.DataBound
        dim txt as Textbox = dv.FindControl("txtField")
        txt.Text = GenerateGUID()
    End Sub



I assume you need to use one of the detailview events. Hook up to the ItemCommand, ModeChanging, or ModeChanged events and fill in your value there.



I am doing something similar too. I am hiding the DetailsView and showing it when the user clicks the button.

pnlDetailMenu.Visible = True
Dim ColumnTextBox As TextBox
ColumnTextBox = dvDetails.Rows(0).Cells(1).Controls(0)
If Not ColumnTextBox Is Nothing Then
    ColumnTextBox.Text = "Initial Value"
End If




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