How do I install packages locally?

Background: I have a kubuntu laptop right now where I cannot use the wireless connection i.e. I don't have a wireless assistant. But I have a Windows laptop that I can download the debian packages separately on a USB stick.

How do I install a local debian package on a computer?


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2 answers

Once you've installed the USB stick:

dpkg --install /path/to/foo_VVV-RRR.deb


(where fooVVV-RRR.deb is the name of the package file)

You can find additional commands in the Debian GNU / Linux FAQ .

Side note: this is from the command line. I'm not sure how to get the synaptic effect.



If you're not a command line fan, double-clicking on the .deb files in the file manager should launch the package installer. Of course it has the same effect as dpkg -i




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