How to use the parent parent type parameter inside local classes?

Why can't I refer to the type parameter of the parent parent class inside local local classes?

public class IsGeneric<T> {
    public void doSomething(T arg) {
        class A {
            T x;

        A foo = new A();
        foo.x = arg;
        T bar = foo.x;  // error: found java.lang.Object, required T


According to Eclipse, the above code works fine, but javac 1.6.0_11 seems to be of foo.x

type java.lang.Object. A workaround to the problem is obviously to make the A

generic itself, for example in the following code:

public class IsGeneric<T> {
    public void doSomething(T arg) {
        class A<S> {
            S x;

        A<T> foo = new A<T>();
        foo.x = arg;
        T bar = foo.x;


However, I would like to understand what is wrong with the first option. Any ideas?


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1 answer

This may be a bug on Sun javac

, see this question which includes possible solutions in the answers.



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