Conditionally wrap HTML elements

In my Seam application, I have a Seam component that returns a list ( @Datamodel

) of elements that I want to convert to a set of <li>

HTML elements . It works for me without problems.

But now I want to split the list according to EL expression. Thus, the EL expression determines whether to start a new element <ul>

. I tried the following:

<s:fragment rendered="#{action.isNewList(index)}">
<!-- stuff that does the <li> goes here -->
<s:fragment rendered="#{action.isNewList(index)}">


But this is not true because the nesting for <ul>

is wrong.

How should I do it?


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4 answers

You can do it with a JSF tag <f:verbatim>

, which is not very good but works:

<f:verbatim rendered="#{action.isNewList(index)}">
<!-- stuff that does the <li> goes here -->
<f:verbatim rendered="#{action.isNewList(index)}">




I am not familiar with the Seam Framework, but if I understood the problem correctly, it might work.

<!-- before your loop, open your first <ul> if the (@Datamodel) is not empty -->

<s:fragment rendered="#{action.isNewList(index)}">
<!-- stuff that does the <li> goes here -->

<!-- after your loop, close your last </ul> if the (@Datamodel) is not empty -->




I'm not familiar with Seam specifically, but I've seen this same issue occur when working with XSLT and other XML-based frameworks.

Typically, there are two solutions:

  • Reimagine your page and data architecture so that the entire list is written based on one condition. This may require a loop inside the s: fragment.
  • Wrap the offending invalid html snippet in <! [CDATA [...]]>


You should have something like this (I will use pseudocode):

    <s:for items="itemList" ...>

      <s:fragment rendered="#{action.isNewList(index) && index > 0}">
        <!-- stuff that does the <li> goes here -->





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