Understanding how browsers work

I've been doing web frontend recently and am having a hard time dealing with all the compatibility issues as well as unexpected browser (FF, IE, Safari).

  • Bankruptcy events
  • element creation and destruction
  • dynamically adding elements with behavior (which were not executed initially)
  • interaction with modals
  • Z-index

I am trying to understand how and why browsers work the way they do, and how they are built. Also any pointers or links on best practices. Thanks to


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5 answers

I have a (rather long ..) summer on how browsers work . You can also view the list of resources for other links.



Here are some informative links on how browsers work, as well as some information / tutorials on CSS and cross-browser compatibility:

And details about specific things that interest you:



Indeed, just use prototype or jQuery. The extra 12 MB or so will be radically just your development.



YUI Theater has tons of great content. See Crockford videos for more information on Javascript / DOM issues.

YUI Theater



For cross-browser compatibility, CSS CSS Reset can tame the madness a bit ("The goal of reset stylesheet is to reduce browser inconsistencies on things like default line heights, header margins and font sizes, etc.").

For inconsistencies with JavaScript bubbling, events and behavior, you can use a framework to ease the pain. One of the goals of these frameworks is "write once, run anywhere [any browser]". JQuery is the most popular library at the moment. Google can help you find other frameworks.



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