How much runtime (CLR) can be loaded in one process?

Today I attended Virtual Tech Days. The Quiz section had the following question.

"In previous versions of .NET (prior to 4.0), how many downloads (CLR) can be loaded in one process?"

Any ideas?


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1 answer

Before 4.0, you could only load 2 CLRs in one process. That is, you can download 2.0 SP1 and the Silverlight CLR in the same process. This is a rare case, although I am not aware of many cases (any) where this was used.

After 4.0, however, it is possible to have any combination of the following CLR instances in the same process.

  • 2.0SP1 and higher
  • Silverlight 2.0 and higher
  • 4.0 and up

I'm not sure about the state of Silverlight 1.0 (wouldn't find a quick reference). I'm sure he doesn't have this option, though



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