Why is LazyInit <T> limited to reference types

I have a pseudo real-time data processing application where I would like to use LazyInit<double>

, so I do not perform calculations that I do not need, but LazyInit<T>

restricts T to classes. I can get around this, but I would rather not.

Does anyone know why this is?


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3 answers

The reason why LazyInit uses the API for routines. It uses Interlocked.CompareExchange to make a stream-protected dataset. CompareExchange while generic is limited to using class types only. Therefore, the T LazyInit value must also be a class.

You can view the implementation here: LazyInit



Our current (pre) bits only provide the LazyInit type, and as you noticed (and JaredPar is correctly diagnosed), we restrict T to reference types so that we can: (i) make LazyInit a structure and (ii) provide sane defaults via CMPXCHG ( ie we can check that "null" means no value). We could have made T unbounded, but decided to optimize the general case — otherwise it would mean a few extra bytes; believe it or not, it might make this type prohibitively expensive for some people.

We recently changed course a bit. We are currently planning to offer the LazyInit type, where T is unbounded, in addition to the LazyInitField type, where T is limited to reference types. The former is what most people will use, but the latter can be used for those who are persistent and can live with a T.

Hope this clears things up. Cheers,

--- joe duffy, pfx dev lead



I believe this is because the value types are automatically initialized and LazyInit determines whether something needs to be initialized based on if it is null or not. You can get around it by using nullable types.





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