What hardware changes will affect WebLogic performance the most?

When requesting hardware for a WebLogic server, what hardware will best improve performance? Should I give it a lot of memory, cpu, fast hard drives? The OS will be Redhat 4 Standard or Enterprise.


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3 answers

The memory is cheap. Give him as much as you can. 4 gigs is that $ 50?



This, of course, depends a lot on the type of applications you are running on the server. I know that our WebLogic portal has a lot of memory (over 10 gigabytes), while other applications do it a lot less.



Depends on the applications you deploy to it. Impossible to answer given that we know nothing about the deployed applications, the hardware you have, and the many options available in a typical Java EE application server.

Bigger is always better. Supply the most memory, largest hard drives, fastest multi-core processors you can afford.



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