Lambda query to change the order of the list by date

I have this function that shows a list of posts in reverse order.

 protected void setupMessages(IList<Message> Messages)
     List<Message> messages = new List<Message>() ;
     messages.AddRange( Messages.OrderBy(message => message.DateAdded).Reverse());
     MessagesRepeater.DataSource = messages;


I was wondering if there is a way to change the order in the lambda request without calling the callback method? Or are you calling Reverse () the only way to do it?


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2 answers

You just want to use the extension method OrderByDescending

, not OrderBy


Indeed, this would be a more efficient method, since it only requires one iteration of the collection, not two.

messages.AddRange(Messages.OrderByDescending(message => message.DateAdded));




Use OrderByDescending

messages.AddRange( Messages.OrderByDescending( message => message.DateAdded ) );


In fact, you can simplify the whole thing:

protected void setupMessages(IList<Message> Messages)
     MessagesRepeater.DataSource = Messages.OrderByDescending( message => message.DateAdded )




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