Programmatically extract data types for MS SQL table columns for later insertion

Rails has an awesome way of finding column names and expected data types from the database, making a lot of programming easier.

I am trying to create something like this in C # .NET because we have large tables that are changing. I will add parameters like this:

SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("parametername", *SqlDbType.Int*);
param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
param.Value = 0;


Pay attention to the SqlDbType. How can I get it? If I get DataColumns from a DataSet, all I can get are system types like System.string.


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2 answers

why not just enable ADO.NET automatically:

SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("parametername", value);


', you don't really need Direction, either:

comm.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("parametername",value));


I'm kind of a fan of doing things in one line :)



For our project, we query tables INFORMATION_SCHEMA

before we build our SQL queries. If you enter a value DATA_TYPE


to Enum.Parse

that should give you the correct value.



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