How to manually submit a button to using javascript?

Using javascript I want to submit a button to, how can I do this?

I know the onclick looks like this: javascript: WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions (new .....);

I'm tired too, because the ID of the control can change.


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5 answers

If you have a control like this:

<asp:Button ID="Foo" ... />


You can do something simple, like fire a 'click' event in JS when accessing the updated client id (jQuery syntax here):



Or you can make JS work like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
  function clickFoo() {
    <%=Page.ClientScript. GetPostBackEventReference(Foo)%>;




var button = document.getElementById('btnID'); 
if (button)


If you can put javascript right in your .aspx markup, you can also get around the changing id by doing the following:

var button = document.getElementById('<%= myServerButton.ClientID %>'); 
if (button)


When your .aspx is processed, the button id as it appears on the page will be replaced with your javascript function.



Easily you can use the __doPostBack function passing the ID of the control you want to fire the click event (command, etc.).

To avoid problems with the ID, do something like this:

__doPostBack("<%= yourConrol.UniqueID%>");


EDIT: There is an existing .Net Framework Page.GetPostBackEventReference method that emits a client-side script that triggers the postback and also provides a reference to the control that triggered the postback event.



Using jquery puts something like this in your aspx page.

$('#<%= myctrl.ClientID %>').click();


myctrl is a button. The ClientID property specifies the html button ID. JQuery offers a click function .



You can either click a button or submit a form.

So, if you want to click a button,

var button = document.getElementById('<%= btnButtonID.ClientID %>');  
if (button) {; } 


or send a form





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