How can I detect an inaccessible database using PHP PDO?

I am using PHP to create a process that monitors our database and hosts a service page on our website if the database is down.

I am using PDO and Oracle.

I am trying to use a single database connection and query it once a minute, alerting people if there is a problem. However, if the database goes down, the script waits 15 minutes before figuring out what the problem is, so my process, which has to check every minute, looks like this:

06:56:46: SUCCESS -- I take down the database after this success
07:12:48: FAILURE - sent email
07:13:48: FAILURE


I want to receive my email immediately, not 15 minutes later. Is there a way to do this while maintaining a persistent connection to the database, or should I create a new one every time I prepare and execute a query?

Here's a snippet of code in case it's helpful:

$last_email_time = null; // the time of the last error email sent
$db_conn = null;
$script_start_time = time();

while(true) {
    $success = false;

    // attempt to create a database connection
    if(!$db_conn) {
        try {
            $db_connection_data = $g_pdo_connection_data['freedom'];
            $db_conn =  new PDO($db_connection_data['string'], $db_connection_data['user'], $db_connection_data['password']);
            $db_conn->setAttribute (PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
            $db_conn->setAttribute (PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT, 60);
            if(!$db_conn) {
                throw new Exception("Unable to create a database connection");
        } catch(Exception $e) {
            $last_email_time = handle_error($last_email_time, $e->getMessage());
            $db_conn = null;

    // attempt a query
    if($db_conn) {
        try {
            $q = $db_conn->prepare("SELECT 1 FROM DUAL");
            if(!$q) {
                throw new Exception("Unable to query the database");
            $success = true;
        } catch(Exception $e) {
            $last_email_time = handle_error($last_email_time, $e->getMessage());

    // remove the maintenance page if we were successful, else clear the connection
    if($success) {
        $last_email_time = null;
    } else {
        $db_conn = null;

    if(ob_get_contents() != '') {



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1 answer

You can simply attach and detach the database every time through the loop. Then you will get your exception every minute. You will have to test it to make sure it has a negative performance impact.



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