Java Datastructures


I was working on an embedded Java version where the height of the complex structures included in the API was a vector or a queue. This usually meant writing structures from scratch when needed.

Now I'm back in the land of the living, I will have full access to the real version of java with all the bells and whistles. This, however, presents a new problem, the API is quite large.

I was wondering if anyone can tell me about the important data structures that have emerged over the past two years. I mean lists, maps, tree structures that can handle concurrency and structures.

From what I remember there was a concurrency library, however, some standard collection structures also implemented concurrency aspects.


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2 answers

Start with Java Collections Training

This will cover all the basics.

Then, when you're happy, look at the parallel trailing trail.

However, it would be nice to also look at the Concurrency package.



pre java 1.4 you had collections with a synchronized way of flow control and then from java 1.5 lots of parallel collections where they are added. Using the correct collection will benefit your application in both performance and less memory usage. eg.


  • Vector
  • HashMap
  • HashSet


  • CopyOnwriteArrayList
  • ConcurrentHashMap
  • ConcurrentHashSet
  • ArrayBlockingQueue, etc.

You can do any collection sync by saying



Again, unnecessary use of concurrent / synchronized will degrade the performance of your application.

links given by pjp gr8

One of them with all these collections goes through various open source collections like

guava library from Google

Commons Collections



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