Splitting MySQL content via PHP on a per country / user basis

Ok, I'll just explain this:

I have one database that has content, but I need to set up a condition if the user has selected the UK instead of the US, or vice versa - some content will not show. This condition can be applied using a checkbox in the backend for example.

"Hello, I'm a paragraph" in [x] Britian [x] US

I am not looking at actual IPs or anything, as the site will simply redirect to root / uk or root / us subdirectories when a user is selected on the index page. What unique setting would I include in db or php?



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3 answers

Add a column to the display_content of the database, do EMUN and set the values ​​to 'britain', 'usa', 'all' then make adjustments to your code to check UK / US. you can choose to display all, UK or US.



This is an interesting problem. Because although it is language oriented, it is not related to I18N - you are talking about denying access to content based on language preference, not displaying localized content.

Here's one idea: use a permissions model

  • Create two permissions like "read-enUS-content" and "read-enGB-content"
  • Based on the user's choice, give them the correct permission for the length of their session (which you can save via cookies or custom prefs if you want).
  • In this case, the application will have to allow / deny content based on their rights.

The question then becomes, how do you connect content to permissions? There are many ways, but one approach is bitmax column.

|+--- Read enUS bit
+---- Read enGB bit


What will look like when implemented

| id | content | read_perm_level |
|  1 | foo     |               1 |
|  2 | bar     |               2 |
|  3 | baz     |               3 |


This means that "foo" is read-only enus, "bar" is read-only enGB, and "baz" is available to everyone.

But you can also make a complete permission table and connect content to it this way.



The simplest model for this would be an associative table in your database. Thus, you must:

paragraphs (paragraph_id INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, paragraph_text TEXT, ...) ENGINE=InnoDB;
paragraph_countries (paragraph_id INT UNSIGNED, country_code CHAR(2)) ENGINE=Innodb;


When you save your paragraph settings, do the following:


    (to start a transaction)
  • DELETE FROM paragraph_countries WHERE paragraph_id = ...

  • (for verified country): INSERT INTO paragraph_countries (...)


    (to commit the transaction)

To select paragraphs related to the current country, simply go JOIN

to the appropriate table with the appropriate country code.



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