Accessing the value of a session variable for a specific session

I am trying to integrate a public bulletin board service into an existing website.

Handshaking between applications is done as follows:

1) The file on my website downloads a flash file. Flash reads a local variable that is a session ID or other GUID that is unique to the user's session.

2) The Flash application connects to the remote service by passing the SessionID to the service.

3) The service sends a GET request back to the original website requesting more information about the user.

4) The originating website (my site) confirms that the session ID is for a valid session, and if so, sends back the requested information.

I would like to be able to use the built-in ASP SessionID, but I'm not sure how in classic ASP to get session variables for a specific ASP session, i.e. I want the value Session ("FirstName") where SessionID = 1234, not Session ("FirstName") for any other session ID. I couldn't find any syntax that would allow me to do this.

An alternative is to create a new GUID for each session, but this adds a lot of overhead.

Any ideas?


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1 answer

I don't know how to get session information for a specific instance or id. However, you can use the Application object to store the information you need using the Session.SessionID value:

Application (Session.SessionID and Tag) = myTagValue

This way, you are not creating a new GUID, but rather using an existing one for the session that the client and server in your example uses.



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