How to access remote JSON data as local array

I can use JQuery's $ .get function to access JSON data from a different url, but how can I use that data (as an array) elsewhere in my code?

Consider the following code:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {        

    $.get("/some/other/url/that/returns/json", function(data){
        var d = eval(data);



It doesn't work, but it shows what I would like to do. Thanks in advance for your help / advice.


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3 answers

Doing this action:

<script type="text/javascript">
var d;

$.get("/some/other/url/that/returns/json", function(json){
    d = json;
}, "json");


you get the answer json

, and if it's already an array, you don't need to do anything. Also, use eval()

as little as possible
. (Not great at all)

Be careful if it d

doesn't matter until after the answer appears, so your code should handle that. Most likely you will call a function that uses d

from $ .get ("...", function (json) {} , "json").

<script type="text/javascript">
var d;

useArray = function(d){
    //Operations that involve the response

$.get("/some/other/url/that/returns/json", function(json){
    d = json;
    // Operate over "d" once your server
}, "json");


Of course, since you now have all the operations on d

a separate function, you can simply do this

<script type="text/javascript">
useArray = function(d){
    //Operations that involve the response
$.get("/some/other/url/that/returns/json", function(json){
}, "json");


If you need to rejoin d

, you need to change your code as needed. This is just a guide.



make d a global variable. Or assign it to whatever needs to be used.



FYI, you can add a type argument to your call and avoid eval: $ .get ('url', function (data) {...}, 'json')

Or you can use $ .getJSON ('url', function (data) {...});



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