Receive message from another process

I taught how to use messages with the Windows API and actually studied them very well. The problem is I can't figure out how to get a message from another application to run the code in mine.

Basically, I want other users to use a commercial application to press the save button (in a commercial application) and for my application to stop the save message, prompt the user and from that either cancel save, or allow them to continue, or allow save (which I know how to do it via messages).

I just need to know how to catch the message and stop it. If anyone can point me to an API call or function, or just documentation that might help, please.


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2 answers

Check out Microsoft Research Bypass . It is possible, but not easy. Also, take a look at how the cheat codes are executed on the client side. I won't link to any of them, but they are there. This is essentially what you want to do.



I think you will need to attach your application to a running process just like a debugger ... Unless a commercial application has a custom connection method to its architecture to do this.

Next question: ... you want to follow this path.



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