ASP.NET v1.1 Failed to load type TBRWEB.frmLogin

I have a web application that I would like to copy to a new project.

I created a new app with VS2003 and copied it through web forms, config, global asa, etc. and made sure IIS says it is a web application.

However, I still get this error when launching the application using IE from the VS IDE:

ASP.NET v1.1 Could not load type TBRWEB.frmLogin


I also made sure the assembly name and root namespace are the same as the original.

Any ideas?


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1 answer

These errors usually occur if the .aspx page or the Global.asax page contains a link to a module with code and the application has not been built.

Look in your project settings and check the default namespace value (in the application section).

Then check the "inherits" attribute on the title of your ascx control (and yll of other aspx / ascx files). I suspect the two names are not the same. When creating a new project, you may be choosing a different name, which has become the default namespace.

The simplest solution would be to change your project's namespace to TBRWEB if that's an option.

if it's not that easy then my follow-up questions:

  • Have you successfully created (compiled) the application?
  • If it's an ASP.NET website (not a web project), did you forget to copy the .cs / .vb files to the App_Code folder?


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