How to get rid of the TagExtraInfo JSTL warning in Eclipse?

I am working with JSTL in Eclipse using WTP. I have jstl and standard.jar in my WEB-INF / lib directory and everything works. Eclipse gives me this warning in my JSP:

The TagExtraInfo class for c: forEach (org.apache.taglibs.standard.tei.ForEachTEI) was not found in the build path.

I have included JSTL:

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>


The warning is on the line that uses c: forEach. How can I get rid of it? My project targets Tomcat v6.


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3 answers

I ended up accidentally double-clicking the alert and it took me to the source that was editable. Then I fixed the problem myself.



Add the standard .jar from the web-inf directory to the java files to build.



Are the cans actually on the build path? If so, you can try closing and reopening the project. Otherwise, this message is controlled in the file preferences / Web / JSP validation page.



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