Is it possible to do a Google / Yahoo / Bing search limited to the "description" metadata?

I am working on a project that will be highly optimized if I can restrict Google, Yahoo or Bing / Live searches to only <meta content = "xyz" name = "description" / ">. I have read all the help pages and api docs and can't find a way to do this and I thought I'd do it here on Stack Overflow.



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1 answer

Unfortunately, none of the major 3 support such restrictions. I tried a similar search, albeit limited to tags, with no luck.

If you're trying to find web pages that match exactly the description, this is the solution .

Find the main website that reports "site statistics" to third parties.


Then use the site: operator on google to search that site for a list of pages that report sites, including your target descriptions.

Example site: + Get product information, support and news from Microsoft.

The result of Google results will be a list of pages matching the description.



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