How can I get the CheckBox to maintain checked state via postback in ASP.NET MVC?

I have an ASP.NET MVC project with a form. In the Action method that handles the POST verb, I have a custom implementation IModelBinder

that binds the form data to my model instance. If there are errors, I use bindingContext.ModelState.SetAttemptedValue()

and bindingContext.ModelState.AddModelError()

to store the posted value and the error message in ModelState


This works great and I can see the expected behavior on my input elements being rendered with Html.TextBox()

(which calls before Html.InputHelper()

). When I use Html.CheckBox()

(which also calls before Html.InputHelper()

), the state of my CheckBox is NOT outputted to the tag <input />


It seems to me that the method Html.InputHelper()

does not use the AttemptedValue method from ModelState for input fields of type CheckBox.

Here is the code from ASP.NET MVC methodHtml.InputHelper()


Why is it that CheckBox tryedValue is not output to the input tag. Is there something I'm missing here, or do I need to manually handle this case by checking the ModelState and setting the tag attribute myself?

Update 11/09
Here is the call HtmlHelpers

I am using to display the CheckBox:

<%= Html.CheckBox("IsDerived") %>


And here is the call I use to register the Attempt value:

string isDerivedRequestValue = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(bindingContext.HttpContext.Request["IsDerived"]) ? bindingContext.HttpContext.Request.Form.GetValues("IsDerived") [0] : null;
bindingContext.ModelState.SetAttemptedValue("IsDerived", isDerivedRequestValue);



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1 answer

I'm not sure if this is the best way to solve the problem or not, but since the method Html.InputHelper()

does not validate the TryemptedValue controls for the CheckBox, I added the following to my controller which inserts the correct value from ModelState

to ViewData

and seems to do the trick quite well.

ViewData["IsDerived"] = ViewData.ModelState.ContainsKey("IsDerived")
                           ? bool.Parse(ViewData.ModelState["IsDerived"].AttemptedValue)
                           : false;


Make sure you don't explicitly set the parameter value isChecked

when you call Html.CheckBox()

, as this will override any value stored in ViewData




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