What is a development structure? What is an IDE?

When I started coding, I used Ruby and the colorful little notebook that came with it. Since I started learning Java, I am using Eclipse, which appears to be an IDE. Now I've read a bit about this Mono on Reddit, but I don't think I understand exactly what it is. The website says this is the core of development: is this just another word for IDE? I am a real beginner looking to work in multiple languages, from Java and Ruby to z80 and ARM9 ... is there any IDE or IDE that might be best for me?


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2 answers

A framework is a collection of classes and supporting code that will be used to build applications. it can be as simple as a standard C library or as complex as a Smalltalk environment, or even include the infrastructure for a complex application like Dynamic or ERP systems - but essentially the infrastructure is just a class library

IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a tool for writing programs; this tool is essentially just a program that contains a text editor that supports compilation and debugging, etc.

[mono is a linux implementation of the .NET framework by the way]



Now I have always liked this analogy:

  • Class Libraries: Mom and Pop Stores that you get in and out of after you get what you need.
  • Frames: those big supermarkets like Wallmart that suck you into their existence and make you dependent on yourself.

IDE is another problem and you might look better at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7388/best-ides-for-different-programming-languages or other similar questions on SO.



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