Highlight whole words, omit HTML

I am writing C # code to parse RSS feeds and highlight specific whole words in content, however I only need to highlight words that are outside the HTML. So far I have:

string contentToReplace = "This is <a href=\"test.aspx\" alt=\"This is test content\">test</a> content";

string pattern = "\b(this|the|test|content)\b";

string output = Regex.Replace(contentToReplace, pattern, "<span style=\"background:yellow;\">$1</span>", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);


This works great, except that the word "test" is highlighted in the alt tag. I can easily write a function that splits the HTML and then replaces, but I need the HTML to render the content.


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3 answers

If the input is valid XHTML / XML, you can parse it into a tree structure (DOM / XLinq), traverse the tree recursively, replace all occurrences of keywords in text nodes, and finally serialize the tree structure back to a string.

Unconfirmed pseudocode:

XNode Highlight(XElement element, List<string> keywords)
    var result = new XElement(element.Name);
    // copy element attributes to result

    foreach (var node in element)
        if (node.Type == NodeType.Text)
            var value = node.Value;
            // while value contains keyword
            // {
            //      add substring before keyword in value to result
            //      add new XElement with highlighted keyword to result
            //      remove consumed substring from value
            // }
        else if (node.Type == NodeType.Element)
            result.Add(Highlight((XElement)node, keywords));

    return result;

var output = Highlight(XElement.Parse(input), new List<string> {...}).ToString();




Another solution if you have valid XML but don't want to parse it: first split the input string into parts so that each part only contains a tag or text, but not both. For example:

"This is ",
"<a href=\"test.aspx\" alt=\"This is test content\">",
" content"


Then we iterate over the parts and apply the regex only to lines that do not start with '<'

. Finally, concatenate all the pieces to one line.



Here's a basic one.

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string contentToReplace = "This is <a href=\"test.aspx\" alt=\"This is test content\"> hello test world</a> content";

        string pattern = @"(>{1}.*)(test)(.*<{1})";

        string output = Regex.Replace(contentToReplace, pattern, "$1<span>$2</span>$3", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

        //output is :
        //This is <a href="test.aspx" alt="This is test content"> hello <span>test</span> world</a> content





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