How do I create a QVector widget?

How do I create QVector

(or some other container class) a dynamic number of widgets like QPushButton

or QComboBox

in Qt 4?

In my window class constructor, I used the following:

QVector<QComboBox*> foo; // Vector of pointers to QComboBox's


And now I want to fill it with some number of controls that can change dynamically:

for(int count = 0; count < getNumControls(); ++count) {
    foo[count] = new QComboBox();


I've searched for hours trying to find the answer to this question. The Qt forums mention creation QPtrList

, but this class no longer exists in Qt4. Later I will try to get the text value from each using array style indexing or function .at()


I would really like an example of declaring, initializing and filling any data structure with any QWidgets

( QComboBox

, QPushButton



source to share

2 answers

here you go :)

#include <QWidget>
#include <QList>
#include <QLabel>
QList< QLabel* > list;

list << new QLabel( parent, "label 1" );

foreach( QLabel* label, list )  {
label->setText( "my text" );


If you're just trying to get a simple example to work with, it's important that your widgets have parent (for context / cleanup) purposes.

Hope it helps.



foo[count] = new QComboBox();


This will not affect the size of foo. If there is no item in the index, this will fail. See push_back or operator << , which add an element to the end of the list.

QVector<QComboBox*> foo;
// or QList<QComboBox*> foo;
for(int count = 0; count < getNumControls(); ++count) {
    foo.push_back(new QComboBox());
    // or foo << (new QComboBox());


Later to get the values:

foreach (QComboBox box, foo)
  // do something with box here




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