Importing OpenOffice tables into HSQLDB

OpenOffice ships with HSQLDB. Is it easy to import the contents of an OO table into an embedded database? Also, it would be nice to add formatting to the contents of the cells. i.e. colors, lines, etc.

This question went unanswered, so I am offering a bounty. Please provide a solution code.

The link provided does work and no encoding is required. Summarizing:

  • Creation and registration of the Open Office database.
    1.1 It looks like you can register any DB for which you have a JDBC driver. (i.e. MySql, Postgres)
  • Create column headings on row 1.
  • Select the data and copy it to the clipboard.
    3.1 Limited selection for only the lines you want because OO crashed when I selected all the lines.
  • Go to the table (s) view of the database.
  • Right click and paste your data.
  • Follow the instructions my wizard opens.

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1 answer

I don't know if it is easy to call it, but apparently there are ways to import data into the open office database.

This article explains how to manually import data into a database. And this article contains prettier pictures for the same process. One of the reasons you can't get the answer you want is because there are very few details in your question. You could add some more and maybe someone out there can help.



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