Ninject AOP - parameters of the receive method from the intercepted method

Does anyone know a way to capture the intercepted parameters sent to the method.

For example...

You have an Update method inside a CustomerService like this. Update (Customer c) ... and you want to get the Customer object posted to the service.

Is this out of the box anyway or do I need to do something other than "normal" interception.

/ J


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1 answer

Assuming you are using the latest version of Ninject, you should grab them from the InvInvoke intercept parameter (if your interceptor inherits from SimpleInterceptor)

        protected override void BeforeInvoke(Ninject.Core.Interception.IInvocation invocation)
            foreach (var arg in invocation.Request.Arguments)



There are also some other properties in the Request field to help you define things like general arguments, etc.



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