Please recommend a simple GUI auto-recording app?

I need the application to simply record mouse gestures and keyboard strokes, which can then play that recording. I ran this on multiple computers on the network to simulate multiuser users.

The app doesn't need to create any output scripts or code I just want to start recording over and over again.

I'm not sure if this is possible, but I would like to be able to start recording many times on the same machine with a startup time delay. It doesn't matter and I'm not even sure if it is possible.

I've seen Ranorex as well as an app called AutoMe. Not sure if they are good, so you can recommend any application that suits my requirements.


UPDATE: Anyone?


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2 answers

Autohotkey ( ) is pretty nice. It has a macro recorder which is pretty simple and easy to use and if you want to create more powerful scripts you can do whatever you want with it. There is a fairly low learning curve, good online documentation, and a community.



You mentioned that everything was fine. Also try "TinyTask" under "Free Software Tools!" on this web page . If that doesn't cut it, then seriously, buying the full vTask Studio product from this website could very well be the best seventy dollar amount you've ever spent. I do not love you; this puts AutoMe to shame! It's really amazing; and it will accommodate complex and conditional pauses and can even recognize when something is not needed on the screen ... and a whole raft of such cool things.

The loose "TinyTask" thing didn't slouch. Definitely try this first. This might work for you.

There's also "Sikuli Script". And "AutoIt" ​​is nice. There seems to be one more that I have to keep in mind, but it doesn't come to me at the moment. If I remember this, I will go back and add it.

Hope it helps!



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