SQL CE Merge Replication: Error 28532: Transport read operation did not return data

I am using sql server 2005 and ce framework 3.5 and am trying to use merge replication between my arm and my SQL server. I am getting the following error:

Error 28532: A read operation from the transport did not return data. The version of SQL Server Compact 3.5 Client Agent and SQL Server Compact 3.5 Server Agent must match.

I find little information on the net. Can anyone tell me how to check the versions of the Compact Compact 3.5 Server Agent and the SQL Server Compact 3.5 Server Agent or any steps I can take to resolve the issue?

Thanks for downloading Cheryl


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1 answer

This is (perhaps) not related to your specific error, but in general, merge replication between SqlCE and SQL Server is unreliable in situations where network connectivity is frequently lost (for example, over a wireless network or worse, over cell phone networks) and can result in more than data loss, but also for unusually corrupted data on the server. This issue has not (to my knowledge) been fixed in SqlCE 3.5.

MS does not advertise this of course, although after a long struggle to diagnose the problem, their tech support finally acknowledged the problem and SqlCE replica copies were allegedly saved in the end (i.e. if you try to sync enough time, it will eventually work correctly).



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