The best way to autoplay multiple MP3 files

I have a project that requires a rather complicated process and I want to make sure I know how to do it. I am using C # with Adobe Flex 3. The application server is Mosso (cloud server) and the file storage server is Amazon S3. Existing site can be viewed at

I need to do this:

  • Allow users to upload MP3 files to album "widget"
  • After the user has downloaded the album / widget, I need to automatically zip the mp3 (for other users to download) and download the zip along with the Amazon S3 mp3 tracks

Actually I already have this working (using client-side processing in Flex), but it doesn't work anymore due to Adobe Flash 10's "security" update. So now I need to implement this server side.

How can i do this:

  • Store mp3 in a temporary folder on the application server
  • When the artist "publishes", creates zip files in this folder using the C # library
  • Start the process of downloading the Amazons S3 (zip and mp3) and email the user when he (as well as deleting the temp folder)

The main problem I see with this approach is that if the user deletes or adds a track later, I will have to update the zip file, but the temporary files will no longer exist.

I am at a loss to do this and would appreciate any advice you may have.



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4 answers

The bit about updating zip but not having temp files if the user adds or removes a track makes me suspect you want to create zip codes containing multiple tracks, possibly full albums. If this is not correct and you are just putting one mp3 in each zip, then StingyJack is correct and you will probably end up making the file (slightly) larger, not smaller, by pinning it.

If my interpretation is correct, then you are in luck. The command line tool on the command line often contains flags that you can use to add files to zip files or remove them from an existing zip archive. You didn't mention which library or any other method you use to create the zip files, but I expect it to probably have this capability as well.



MP3 is compressed. Why bother using them?



I would argue that there is no need to write a compressed file format, you only gong to get a 5% reduction in file size, give or do a little work. Mp3 doesn't really loop in nature, they've already compressed most of the possible data.



DotNetZip can encrypt files from C # / ASP.NET. I agree with the previous posters regarding MP3 compressibility. DotNetZip will automatically skip MP3 compression and just save the file for that very reason. It might still be interesting to use zip as a packaging / archive container besides compression.

If you change the zip file later (user adds a track), you can grab the zip file from S3 and just update it. DotNetZip can also update zip files. But in this case, you will have to pay for the transfer cost to and from S3.

DotNetZip can do all of this using zip memory - although this might not be possible for large archives with lots of MP3 files and many concurrent users.



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