How to set default location of FCKEditor file browser?

I am working on the FCKEditor image upload part and I downloaded it correctly, but the server file browser stuck.

FCKEditor Image Properties dialog

In the dialog, you can see the Browse Server button , which displays the following dialog

FCKEditor Resources Browser

The problem is I have no idea which folder the file browser is pointing to.

I have set UserFilePath and USerFilesAbsolutePath in PHP config.php connector to control where my image uploads go.

How do I set my file browser to point to the same folder as my downloads?


The ImageBrowserURL property is NOT what I am looking for. This property is used to place the Browser Server button button somewhere other than the default file browser.

My problem is how to point the default file browser to a specific directory.


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3 answers

Read this post of mine on the FCKeditor forums. Do you have the same problem as me?



This is true?

ImageBrowserURL (string) Sets the URL of the page when the user clicks the Browse Server button in the Image dialog box. This way, you can create your own image browser that integrates well with your system.




You need to set some configuration information for FCKEditor. This is either done in the javascript code on your web page, or you can do it in the FCKEditor config file, which is usually found in /fckeditor/fckconfig.js file. If you haven't installed fckeditor in the regular fckeditor directory, you will need to replace that part of the path with the correct path.

In the fckconfig.js file you need to change the "ImageBrowserURL" setting to whatever you want.

FCKConfig.ImageBrowserURL = '/myfilebrowserpath/browser.php' ;


This is where the dialog will look for your files. Below is a link to the FCKEditor documentation . Hope it helps.



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