How to get filter filterddatable from XSL Transformation

I am trying to run a DataTable through an XSL tranform and then return the results to the DataTable. My DataTable looks empty. Any help would be great.

Dim finalExelList As New DataTable
Dim xlsMyList = New XPath.XPathDocument(New StringReader(myList.DataSet.GetXml()))
Dim trans As Xsl.XslCompiledTransform = New Xsl.XslCompiledTransform

trans.Load(RequestHandlerBase.ServerLocation & "xsl\dataisland2DotNet.xsl")
Using ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream
  trans.Transform(xlsMyList, Nothing, ms)
  ms.Position = 0
End Using



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1 answer

Your VB code looks sane, which means the XSL is most likely wrong, you need to debug it first. If you have XMLSpy - use it (it has a pretty decent XSL debugger). If you don't have an XSL debugger, I would suggest creating a simple XSL transformation in fact that will actually return something for sure, and then gradually adding features step by step until it does what you want.



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