What are 3D games written in C #?

I have searched google for some C # programs. I found Paint.NET. Is this the only C # program? How about games? Does anyone have a link to a 3D game in C #?


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8 answers

You can have a look at SharpDevelop and / or MonoDevelop , two IDE-driven spen source environments.

Also, as others have argued, there are many C # OSS frameworks you can look into. Here is the first list .



Quake ported to C # / Silverlight: http://www.innoveware.com/quakelight.html

Play it now: http://www.innoveware.com/ql3/QuakeLight.html



If you want to write games for Windows or XBox360 you can use XNA ... also their tons of applications all over the place using C #. You can also find projects written in .Net on CodePlex

XNA - Game Studio



A very good resource is the XNA Creators Club .

It has some great learning resources (starter kits for XNA are complete games, with artwork written in C #). In addition, there is a community based site full of examples of 2D and 3D games written in C #.



check codeproject



SourceForge can be a good place to start. On the projects page, select C # as your programming and search language. There are currently about 17,000 C # projects.

Browsing the source for a large project can be a little tricky if you're learning - I'd recommend trying to find something simple to start with.

Edit: A couple more quick links to games



You can take a look at Unity3D - it uses Mono to run games on Mac and PC. All behavior code is written in C #. There are games from both EA and Cartoon Network, as well as many corporate and indie games based on Unity. List of Unity 3D Games





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