Determine the path to the "Bin" folder

I have an ASP.Net project using AJAX that I am hosting on a server behind a reverse proxy.

Let's assume my project is on the server here:

C: \ Inetpub \ Wwwroot \ Designed \ Application

So the bin folder should be here:

C: \ Inetpub \ Wwwroot \ Designed \ Application \ Bin

The reverse proxy makes the server automatically look for the Bin folder for the project here:

C: \ Inetpub \ Wwwroot \ Bin

because when working behind a reverse proxy, all file links must be relative to the root directory.

I am assuming that the default Bin path is set to "~ \ Bin", which is not the root directory.

I need my bin folder path to be set to ". \ Bin" Any ideas?



Adding the BIN folder to C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ Bin is NOT an option.



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2 answers

It turns out it was an IIS virtual directory issue.

Thanks for the help!



You can use assemblyBinding to install a trial patch for your assemblies.

      <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
         <probing privatePath="bin;bin2\subbin;bin3"/>


See assemblyBinding for more information .



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