Lucene.Net request with main template

Good day,

I need to find a Lucene.Net index with a wild card prefix; that is, now when I search for the word "paint", "autopaint" does not appear, but I need it.

I've already mentioned "SetAllowLeadingWildcard" elsewhere on Stack Overflow, but I don't see this property - maybe because I'm using Lucene.NET?

Thanks, Mo


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1 answer

Which version of Lucene.Net are you using? The SetAllowLeadingWildcard property is on QueryParser in version 2.1.

To be able to search paint

and get autopaint

back as a result, you will need to search *paint

. Search paint

will not return autopaint


Note the note in the property comments:

Note that this can lead to very slow queries on large indexes.



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