Runtime error with reference to WCF service

I created a reference to an IIS hosted WCF service in my ASP.NET website project on my local workstation using the Add Service Reference option in Visual Studio 2008. I was able to execute this service from my local workstation.

When I move an ASP.NET website using the Copy Website feature in Visual Studio 2008 to a development server and view a page that uses this service, I get the following error:

Reference.svcmap: The specified argument was out of range.

Has anyone experienced this same error and knows how to solve it?

EDIT: My development server is Win2k3 with IIS 6


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3 answers

@Sixto Saez: I was able to use the following resource similar to the one you provided to create a proxy class using the ServiceModel Metadata Utility Tool (svcutil.exe).

Here is the exact command line:

svcutil /t:code http://<service_url> /out:<file_name>.cs /config:<file_name>.config


Here's a link I found that suggested using the method.

Also, I was able to consume the service by creating a link using the Visual Studio 2008 Add Web Link command. It generates code based on the .NET Framework 2.0 Web Services technology.



The problem may be due to a mismatch between the solution / project folder structure and the folder structure of the IIS website. I used to run into similar problems and ended up changing the way I deploy web services. Here and here discuss similar problems with i.e. they did not use the created Add Service client and rolled back their own client. In addition, I can vouch for using the Publish Web Site method to deploy my services. Here is a good article on web service deployment models.



Fortunately, the WCF service website and I cannot use svcutil's solution (unless you know how to do it ...). Are you deploying a service or your website with a service link using the Visual Studio 2008 website publishing feature?



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