JQuery SimpleModal - newbie here trying to get a simple asp form to open in a modal window

I found it very easy to implement modals that included an html or asp page using facebox, but I wanted to try SimpleModal.

I was trying to find out how to use the contact form http://www.ericmmartin.com/simplemodal/ but realized that it was php only. I am a newbie coder so please have mercy. :).

Anyway, I was hoping you would open an asp page with a form. I tried to do this with facebox, but the form was not submitting to the form page, but rather to the parent window.

Is there an easy way to do this? SimpleModal looks great, but I found it much more difficult to implement than facebox or thickbox. At least with facebox or thickbox, I could load html or asp pages in a window. I don't see an easy way for SimpleModal to do this.

Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

I'm sorry that you found SimpleModal difficult to use ... my intention was simple for it;)

If you want to use SimpleModal with asp try using appendTo.



To load external content into a dialog, you can do something like:

$.get("yourpage.html", function(data) {


I hope this helps.




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