XDebug Server on Eclipse PDT Test Server

I have an Eclipse PDT with Subclipse installed and currently have a PHP project project from a repository on my production server. I have a VMWare Linux workstation installed and I was hoping to use it as a debug server using XDebug. The problem is that when I update the files, they are only tied to the repository on my production server. How can I test the setup on virtual Linux? Is it possible to commit changes to two repositories? Is there a better way to do this?


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3 answers

I think you might be confusing the concept of repository and working copy. There should only be one repository per project. The repository is just a central copy of your codebase. You checkout the code from the repository to your debug server. When you make changes to the source code, you commit them and they go to the repository. Then you run an svn update on your working copy of the debug server to get the latest changes for testing.



If you have a working copy on the host and not the guest (VM), the easiest way is to use shared folders in the VM ... Set the shared folder to point to the projects folder on the host, or a subfolder where you have working copy. Inside the virtual machine, you can link your www-root eg. to /var/www/myproject.com to have the same path as on your production server. This way, you only have 1 working copy shared by your test server inside the virtual machine.

You can also use SSH (or FTP) and access your network on the host using SFTP (or FTP). To do this, you must install an SSH / FTP server on your host. Inside your virtual machine, you can fuse with SSH / FTP to connect to a local path to provide easy access to the web server.

You can also work with 2 working copies (one on your host and one inside your virtual machine). But this takes more work because you have to sync both.

You can also change direction and have one working copy in your virtual machine. To do this, the easiest way is to access your virtual machine using SSH (SFTP) and use a tool on your host that can mount SFTP as a disk (like Webdrive).



You can create a post-commit binding on the repository machine that tells the developer developer to update its version.



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