Dojo DataGrid to load selected items
I have a DataGrid and you want the user to select multiple items and click a button to do something with those items (eg delete). When only a few items are selected, the deletion is performed, but if the user selects all items without slowly scrolling over them, some of the selected items are zero.
I also tried grid.removeSelectedRows (), but that also doesn't work for unloaded items.
I tried it too: ({count: grid.rowCount, onComplete: dojo.hitch (this, function () { var items = grid.selection.getSelected (); grid.selection.clear (); if (items.length) { dojo.forEach (items, function (selectedItem) { if (selectedItem! == null) { (selectedItem); // or do something else } }); } grid.sort (); })});
Even when fetching, there are still zero elements and in fact only the top-most and bottom-most rows are removed.
Is there a way to load the selected items in the grid?
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My task was to "expand" the selection of the values ββof the first element to the rest of the selection. I faced a similar problem as yours, but finally found a solution:
updateSelected = function() {
//Callback for processing a returned list of items.
function gotSelected(items, request) {
var selectedIndex = paramGrid.selection.selected;
var firstItem;
var counter = 0;
for (var i=0;i<selectedIndex.length;i++){
var item = items[i];
if (counter < 1){
firstItem = item;
counter ++;
paramStore.setValue(item, "valueSPO", firstItem.valueSPO);
paramStore.setValue(item, "valueSPI", firstItem.valueSPI);
paramStore.setValue(item, "valueSM", firstItem.valueSM);
paramStore.setValue(item, "state", firstItem.state);
function fetchFailed(error, request) {
console.log("lookup failed.");
query: {id: '*'},
onComplete: gotSelected,
onError: fetchFailed,
After that, you should connect this function to the button in addOnLoad:
dojo.connect(button2, "onClick", updateSelected);
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