Running a .NET Application from CD?

we are trying to figure out a way to create a .NET application that can run entirely from CD. Basically, the user appears on a CD, boots into an operating system on a CD, and runs on a barebone .NET Framework with an application. We've looked at a .NET Framework hack in WinPE, but understand that this is indeed an unsupported hack. Has anyone tried something like this and had success?


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3 answers

You really need to have .NET installed on this machine. If the correct infrastructure is installed, this won't be a problem - just run the executable.

Tools like NGEN still require a framework to be installed.

However, there are some commercial tools like PostBuild that will go through and compile all required dependencies into native code. In theory, this will provide your required behavior.



You can take a look at Mono as they have a built-in version of the framework that doesn't require the .NET Framework (or Mono) to be installed. Can't say how much work there will be, but take a look here , it's documented and maintained.



I was lucky and found what you are looking for:



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