Unobtrusive JavaScript - Safe Attributes?

I am working on splitting JavaScript code from my HTML. I currently have some code that looks like this:

<div onclick="return do_something_with('100566');" class="clickable">Click Me!</div>


I would like to change the onclick to an attribute containing only the parameter that I pass to the method.

I am using jQuery for this with the following type of code:

var $j = jQuery;
        param = $j(this).attr('attribute_name');


What attribute can I use for 'attribute_name' that would be safe to pass this parameter value? I know I can use id, but I would already be defining an element with the same id elsewhere in the DOM.

Any suggestions?


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6 answers

Why don't you make these tags a

? There are several sites that use the anchor ( #someThing

) part or use an attribute rel




I usually add a meaningful prefix, for example Client-100566

, and then refer to it with this code:

var param = $(this).attr("id").split("-")[1];


Edit: Eliminated suggestion about invalid all-number id toker.



I often find myself either using help id

for things to be unique or hiding hidden <span>

with data.



Can't use rel tag on a

inside div

? It allows you to pass 1 parameter or n parameters for doSomething.

  <a class="clickable" rel="param1 param2 param3">Click Me!</a>


So now, when param is sent to doSomething, is it a space separated list that param.indexOf("param1")

can be used to check what parameters were sent via?



You can use class or header attributes as parameter lists, separated by spaces. The downside to the title is that it will show up as a popup when your element is hovering:

<div class="clickable param1 param2 param3">



<div class="clickable" title="param1 param2 param3">


Here is a list of other attributes .



You can just create any attribute name you like.

<div onclick="foo();" silkyvalue="12938">hello</div>


I would generally go with some naming format though "my_somethingID" for example.



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