Use a mail client to use text rather than HTML via mailto:

I am using SubVersion and TRAC in a C # project that I am working on and I have a TRAC system setup with an email address that can be used to generate tickets. In my program, I added a simple "FeedBack" button in my program that sends an email to this address. To open an email, I simply "start" the mailto link as shown below.

System.Reflection.Assembly assem = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
string ver = assem.GetName().Version.ToString();
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("<Provide a title for your feedback here>&body=< Describe the problem you are having or enhancement you would like to suggest here. Please be as descriptive as you can, and if possible list out the actions that will replicate the problem >%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0AVersion: "+ver); 


The problem I am facing is the user is using Outlook and their Outlook copy is set to HTML. The ticket generated ends up with a bunch of HTML that I have to clean up. Is there a way to notify that the email client is processing it to send email as text and not HTML?


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1 answer

There is nothing to do (besides education) on the client - there is nothing in mailto to manage the client program. And to be honest, with the proliferation of email on the Internet - I think mailto is showing its age.

Outlook needs to send the messagemime/multipart

using both text and HTML parts. I would suggest that you can extend or install Trac just to capture a part text/plain


Otherwise, just create a form in your application to capture email information. Again, if someone is using Hotmail or GMail - mailto is unlikely to work anyway (or open up their unconfigured Outlook Express where they dutifully print an email and hit send. Only it won't go anywhere because there is no SMTP the servers are set up - so it will languish in the Outbox for years. Not that they'll notice though ...).



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