Checking values ​​of a Java class instance variable in Eclipse

In my application, I have a class with multiple member variables and methods. Calling a method with bad parameters raises an AssertionError. I have configured a debugger to stop uncaught exceptions.

The problem is that when switching to the debug perspective, I can only see the instance of the class (on which the function was called) and two parameters. I cannot expand an instance of a class to see the values ​​of its member variables. There is a space on the left side of the instance, so I am assuming there should be an arrow there, so you can expand it the same way as in the outline.

Is there a configuration or something I have to enable for this? Or am I misunderstanding the variables window?

If it matters, it's Eclipse 3.2.2 on Ubuntu Linux.

[Update] I downloaded the new version from .gz

"Eclipse" is now reported by "Build id: 20090619-0625".


class Foo {
    private int bar;

    Foo() {
        bar = 1;

    public void set(int newbar) {
        assert (newbar<0);
        bar = newbar;

class Test {

     public static void main (String[] args){
         Foo f = new Foo();


Obviously this code is throwing a claim exception. But the only change is the icon for "this", which has changed from a green circle to a blue triangle in the new version. Still can't find a way to extend it. Here I can see "this" for the Foo instance, as well as "newbar" and its value, to clarify what I want to do is expand "this" and see its current value for "bar".


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2 answers

After some discussion in, #eclipse

we discovered that the VM issue was the issue. I ran:



Changing it to:



and issue a flag -ea

as an argument to the VM, let me extend the class instance by checking the value bar

. The problem has been resolved.



No no. Typically, the first line in the debug view should be "this", which represents the instance you are currently working on. It should have a "+" which you click to expand the list of instance variables.

If that doesn't work, you might be on the wrong stack (you can select it in the stack trace list), or Eclipse cannot resolve the location of your source code, or something else is wrong.

Try to create a small test file where this is reproduced and post it. Then we'll see ...

BTW: Eclise 3.2.2 is pretty old. Consider upgrading to 3.5 to see if the issue persists. You can install multiple versions of Eclipse side by side (just unzip to a directory) so you don't have to hide your existing installation.



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